This starting program should be done for around 6 weeks before adding more complex exercises or weight.
Fit Ball (Swiss ball) - These can be purchased from most good fitness/sporting stores. Please avoid the cheaper brands and consider a 500kg anti-burst rating for when you might be balancing on the ball with weights.Dumbbells - Adjustable if possible and up to 5kgs is sufficient.
Reps - How many repetitions for each exercise.Sets - A certain number of repetitions will make up a set
Get the blood pumping by taking a brisk 10 minute walk or bike ride.Then stretching out the major muscles in the body... stretches should always be done gently with controlled breathing.
EXERCISE #1 - Sitting Balance
- Sit on the Fit Ball with your back straight and lift one foot off the ground.
- Hold for 10 seconds then swap legs and hold the other foot in the air for 10 seconds. (This is 1 rep)
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
EXERCISE #2 - All Fours Balance
- Start standing with the ball in front of you with your knees at the ball
- Place your hands on top of the ball and then slowly roll your knees forwards onto the ball
- Find your balance and kneel on the ball learning to balance for as long as you can.
NOTE: Please ensure there are no obstacles close by just in case you lose you balance.
- 0 - 5 secs - NOVICE
- 6 - 10 secs - AMATEUR
- 11 - 20 secs - PROFESSIONAL
- 21 + secs - ELITE
EXERCISE #3 - Dumbbell Rows
- Lay face down on the fit ball with the ball underneath the abdominal region
- Widen the feet for stability and straighten the back with the head inline with the spine
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand
- Squeeze the shoulder blades together and maintain for the duration of the rep cycle
- Allow the arms to straighten down and then pull up for 10 reps.
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
EXERCISE #4 - Dumbbell Press
- Lay face up on the fit ball with the ball underneath the lower back region
- Widen the feet for stability and straighten the back with the head inline with the spine
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand
- Keep the pelvis up and level while performing this exercise and don't let it drop lower
- Push the dumbells straight up towards the sky and back down for 10 reps
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
EXERCISE #5 - Standing Squats
- Find a wall
- Stand facing away from the wall
- Place the fit ball behind you and hold it against the wall with the lower back region
- Slowly squatting down the ball will roll up and down your back against the wall
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
EXERCISE #6 - 4 Point Squat
- Place 4 objects around you at North, South, East and West
- Stand on one leg and reach down to the object in front of you and then back up
- Then reach down and back up to the next object and continue around the circle until you've reached for all 4 objects. A complete circle of 4 objects is 1 rep.
- Repeat for 2 sets of 5 reps
EXERCISE #7 - Back Extension
- Lay face down on the fit ball with the ball underneath the abdominal or pelvis region
- Widen the feet for stability
- Relax over the ball with your hands by your sid
- Lifting your torso off the ball to straighten your back and then down again
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
EXERCISE #8 - Abdominal Crunch
- Lay face up on the fit ball with the ball underneath the backside
- Widen the feet for stability and straighten the back with the head inline with the spine
- Lift your torso up and then lay back similar to a sit up (smaller range however)
- Repeat for 2 sets of 10 reps
Take a 10 minute walk to cool down from your workout. This helps stretch and burn off any lactic acid in the muscles which leads to soreness afterwards.
- Please ensure that you are adequately warmed up before starting any workout
- If you are injured please seek professional advice before commencing any exercise to prevent further injury and damage
- If you suffer any pain or discomfort during an exercise then stop what you are doing immediately.
- This program is for use as a guide only and is in no way a personalized program. Each individual will have different physical capabilities and every care should be taken when exercising.
- John highly recommends the consultation and assessment by a qualified trainer before undertaking any fitness program to ensure low risk of injury.