

John Lindsay O.A.M 

Athletics: Track Sprints (100m - 400m)

Date of Birth: 29th January 1970

Place of Birth: Victoria

Memorable Moments: Winning 3 Paralympic Gold Medals

Inspiration and Hero: Vinny Lauwers, the first sailor with a disability to sail solo around the world.

Sporting Achievements: Competed in 5 Paralympic Games
  • Seoul 1988
  • Barcelona 1992
  • Atlanta 1996
  • Sydney 2000
  • Athens 2004.
Paralympic Medals
  • 3 Gold
  • 3 Silver
  • 3 Bronze
Won 9 Paralympic medals in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 400 metres, (3 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze)

World Records
6 world records in the 100 metre and 200 metre races.

Awards and Recognition
  • 1992 Received the Order of Australia medal for my services to sport. 
  • 1996 The Kingston City Council announced the John Lindsay Reserve at Patterson Lakes.
  • 2000 Australia Medal 
  • 2002 Awarded Best Ever Victorian Disabled Athlete.

1 comment:

  1. John, I remember you from Grade 2 at Mentone Grammar, and have followed your career from a distance, with a great deal of pride and admiration for your achievements. Today, you also became an inspiration for my children, who are learning about resilience, persistence and dedication. I could think of no better example to show them than the boy in the corner of the class photo, who went on to beat the world. Thank you.
